
About the Historians’ Days

The Historians’ Days (in Dutch: Historicidagen) are jointly organized by the Royal Netherlands Historical Society (KNHG) and the History Department of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) from 25-27 August 2022, and are meant for everyone interested in history, professionally or otherwise.

The event showcases the many diverse and dynamic ways of doing history. Through a wide spectrum of lectures, debates and workshops, the Historians’ Days tackles issues and challenges on the frontline of historical research and public debates. Keywords of the conference include networking, inspiration, orientation, career and relaxation.

The Historians’ Days are modelled on well-known, influential and professional conferences abroad, such as the annual gatherings of the American Historical Association and the biennial Historikertag of the Association of Historians of Germany.

The Historians’ Days 2022 evolve around the theme of History Beyond Borders, and actively promote diversity within participants, audience, program, stories, methods and presentations.

Here and below you can view and download the General program Historians’ Days 2022 and the detailed Session program Historians’ Days 2022. English sessions have been marked blue. Please note that both programs are still subject to change.

The regular registration for the Historians’ Days 2022 has closed since 2 August 2022. We hope to see you in Rotterdam from 25 until 27 August!

The registration fees for the Historians’ Days 2022 in Rotterdam are listed below. Please first read our conditions for participation below.

Please note: speakers pay the lowest possible registration fee. For example, a student organizing a session will pay only 50 (Young KNHG member) or 55 euros (regular student) for an early bird ticket, instead of 120 euros.

The Historians’ Days 2022 offer the opportunity to sponsor a participant. Would you like to sponsor a young historian or a historian in a precarious financial situation? Please select the option ‘I sponsor this participant’ in the registration form and fill in the relevant personal and invoice information. Are you not able to go yourself, but would you still like to sponsor the ticket of someone else? You can also make a donation through a deposit on NL29 INGB 0006 9343 91, with a reference to ‘sponsor a participant Historians’ Days 2022′.

Each edition of the Historians’ Days has a different theme. The 2022 Rotterdam edition has chosen the theme of History Beyond Borders.

In the sixteenth century Erasmus wrote: ‘The whole world is my homeland’. Since then, Erasmus’ place of birth, Rotterdam, has grown into an especially diverse port town in which international connections, external influences, and innovative solutions play an important role. For these reasons history beyond borders is a fitting theme for Dutch Historians’ Days 2022 (Historicidagen 2022) which will be jointly organised by the Royal Netherlands Historical Society (KNHG) and the Erasmus University Rotterdam from 25 through 27 August 2022 at this university. This theme also reflects how history is taught and studied in Rotterdam: in an interdisciplinary, transnational and unconventional manner in terms of periodisation and other traditional characterisations of the past.

In this edition of Dutch Historians’ Days, we want to ask whether borders and boundaries are necessary to the study and understanding of history. Can we understand our world through canons of national history without heeding global developments? Is it possible to construct a historical narrative without acknowledging national boundaries? What borders and boundaries are so widely acknowledged as to remain unquestioned? Do representations of history lead necessarily to well-defined and possibly binary juxtapositions in terms of, for instance culture, gender and nationality? How could perspectives from other disciplines inform the historical debate? Are some borders and boundaries useful or perhaps even necessary to communicate and engage with audiences in our times? Or is there no place for borders or boundaries in a world where everyone is connected?

In times when borders and boundaries such as those of the nation-state are being defined and redefined, any debate on borders and boundaries evokes strong emotions that could lead to heated discussions. We invite all parties involved to make their voices heard at the upcoming Historians’ Days so that together we may take the debate on ‘history beyond borders’ yet one step further.


All history professionals can take part in compiling the program for Historians’ Days 2022. This distinguished feature of the Historians’ Days is what makes it stand out in the vast field of conferences.

The Organizing Committee has accepted suggestions for papers, presentations, sessions, workshops etc. We are proud to offer a program with over 60 sessions within the this year’s theme History Beyond Borders, both in English and in Dutch. The sessions relate to History Beyond Borders but may also concern matters that transcend this theme. They may be specialized or interdisciplinary but will ideally appeal to historians from different professional fields (academia, education, heritage) and to those interested in history.

Program overview

We are very happy to release the program for the Historians’ Days 2022!

Here and below you can view and download the General program Historians’ Days 2022 and the detailed Session program Historians’ Days 2022. English sessions have been marked blue. Please note that both programs are still subject to change.

Conference formats

This third edition of the Historians’ Days the program once again features a broad range of lectures, presentations, workshops and discussions to which historians contribute. Proposals have been submitted in the following sections:

  • Spreading the News Sessions accommodate individual or group presentations about innovative historical research, as well as sharing new approaches, projects of heritage institutions or practices in teaching history. Applying new digital research and presentation techniques relates to this as well. Conditions for these sessions are a maximum of five speakers (including the moderator) and sufficient opportunity for debate with the participants after the presentations. Duration: one and a half hours.
  • Opinions Without Borders offers a forum to speakers whose opinions explicitly differ on relevant historical topics and are seeking dialogue. All opinions are to be heard, as long as they derive from historical knowledge and are based on arguments. We hope that facilitating the debate will improve understanding of the different opinions about complex historical subjects. Conditions for these sessions are a maximum of five speakers (including the moderator) and sufficient opportunity for debate with the participants after the presentations. Duration: one and a half hours.
  • Crossing Border Sessions are exactly what the name indicates: sessions that transcend or cross borders. This may be substantive but may also entail presenting in a different format. These sessions are organized simultaneously with the other types of sessions. The objective of Crossing Border Sessions is to challenge and encourage each other through alternative ways of imparting knowledge. Crossing Border Sessions may entail the following formats:
    • Brainstorm – submit a (research) idea, question or problem, and participants are invited to brainstorm with you about answers, solutions or (research) questions. Duration: 45 minutes.
    • Storytelling – in this format speakers are invited to convey their research or subject matter creatively, for example as a story or a spoken word performance. Duration: maximum one hour. Shorter is fine, in that case different contributions will be combined in one session.
    • Labs – workshops in all kinds of formats and manifestations. Options include Think Digital!, interpreting sources together, discussing new teaching methodologies, introducing a new website, etc. Duration: one and a half hours.
    • Hyde Park Speaker’s Corner – in the tradition of this renowned setting, we are offering Historians’ Days participants a chance to step up onto the soapbox. In a brief speech, addressing a large audience, you talk about your current issue, present your provocative statement, or incite controversy. Duration: the presentation shall not exceed 5-10 minutes, after which the audience shall have another 5-10 minutes to respond. The sessions shall also be recorded and posted on the website to continue the discussion online as well.

The Historians’ Days are designed to convey current events throughout the discipline.

The Historians’ Days 2022 will take place in Rotterdam, predominantly at the university campus.

Click to enlarge

The Historians’ Days are an initiative of the Royal Netherlands Historical Society (KNHG), organized biennially in close cooperation with a Dutch university. The university partner for the 2022 edition is the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

KNHG is the professional society for historians in the Netherlands. Under the banner of ‘Teaming up for History’,  KNHG brings historians together and promotes the interests of the discipline.

The Department of History at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) takes a unique approach by focusing on how history shapes present-day societies from 1500 onwards. Students focus on modern history and political, cultural, social and economic issues. The history department at EUR has a yearly intake of about 120 students and a staff of over fifty academics.

The Royal Netherlands Historical Society organizes at least one congress every year and the Historians Days every other year. The following conditions apply for this:

  • Congresses and events are open to members and non-members.
  • Registrations are made via a registration form or by e-mail.
  • Registration is final after receipt of the participation fee.
  • A participant can revoke the registration at any time.
  • If a participant decides to revoke and thus not to participate, he or she must unsubscribe in writing.
  • In the event of a written cancellation no later than one week before the start of the congress or event, the participation costs already paid will be fully refunded within 30 days of cancellation.
  • Cancellations within a week before the start of the conference or event are subject to a 50% refund of the participation costs (in the event of force majeure, the full amount will be refunded after consultation by the Royal Netherlands Historical Society).


Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap (KNHG)

P.O. Box 10855 | NL 1001 EW Amsterdam

020-2246815 | info@knhg.nl


Visiting address:

Korte Spinhuissteeg 3 | NL 1012 CG Amsterdam


KvK: 40478363

RSIN: 8174.43.149

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