
Bekendmaking keynote-spreker: Manon Parry

Ook de tweede keynote-spreker van de Historicidagen 2022 is bekend: Manon Parry! Parry is bijzonder hoogleraar aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In haar onderzoek houdt zij zich bezig met medische geschiedenis, met bijzondere interesse voor de representaties van ziekte en gezondheid in tentoonstellingen en musea. Ze begeeft zich hiermee op het snijpunt van geschiedenis en erfgoedstudies. Parry zal de tweede keynote van de Historicidagen voor haar rekening nemen, op vrijdagochtend 26 augustus.

Manon Parry

Parry: ‘The Covid-19 pandemic has made the history of medicine a hot topic. Suddenly the media, policy makers, and researchers across a range of disciplines are interested in what historians can say about the lessons of the past. But the field has always had a lot to offer, on a wide range of issues, such as sexuality and reproduction, disability politics, or racial science, as well as changing trends and traditions in psychiatric care or global health.’
‘I am interested in how we build on the surge of interest in the history of medicine generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, to show the broader relevance of the field and to tap into the wealth of opportunities to engage a wide range of communities, including those working in health and medicine.’

Hieronder volgt het abstract van Manon Parry’s keynote tijdens de Historicidagen 2022.

After the Emergency: Recognising the Reach of the History of Medicine
Understanding health and medicine from an historical perspective means appreciating the wide range of factors that influence how illness has been experienced and managed in different communities at various moments. Every disease has social and cultural components, which shape who becomes the most ill and the type of care they will receive, as the Covid-19 pandemic has vividly shown. In fact, the study of any sickness, or treatment, can reveal a great deal about the time and place under investigation, including histories that go far beyond the medical realm to incorporate everything from home life and working conditions to national priorities and the global exchange of goods, people, and ideas. The history of medicine also encompasses every phase of the lifespan, from conception and birth through aging and death. Far from being a niche topic, the field has a broad scope, with wide relevance for a range of audiences, including patients and healthcare practitioners. This lecture highlights the potential and considers the impact before, and after coronavirus, expanding definitions of what the history of medicine actually is, and who it is for.