
Bekendmaking keynote-spreker: Carl Nightingale

De eerste keynote-spreker van de Historicidagen 2022 is bekend: Carl Nightingale! Nightingale is hoogleraar op het snijpunt van stads- en wereldgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Buffalo. Hij is vooral bekend door zijn boek Segregation. A Global History of Divided Cities, dat in 2012 de Jerry Bentley-prijs voor wereldgeschiedenis kreeg. Zijn onderzoek richt zich op de geschiedenis van rassensegregatie in steden van de Oudheid tot het heden. Nightingale zal de keynote op de donderdagavond (25 augustus) van de Historicidagen verzorgen.

Carl Nightingale

Nightingale: ‘Cities are the best places to tell histories that cross borders in all directions. We design our cities to concentrate people, interaction, buildings, power, and energy in one relatively small “local” place. As such, though, cities contain the most influential characters, the most important “places where it happened”, the most jagged story lines, and the most unpredictable forces of global history – today, even planetary history. This talk will take you on a tour of cities across time and place, showing how the biggest contours of history were shaped from the places we designed and built so we could amplify our power as a species across space and time, eventually transforming Earth into the only “Urban Planet” we know of.’

Deze keynote-lezing is gebaseerd op Nightingale’s werken Segregation: A Global History of Divided Cities (2012) en Earthopolis: a Biography of our Urban Planet (2022).